Friday, January 6, 2012

Un nuevo comienzo

Hello everyone! This will be my last post from America, considering that I will be leaving Mundeslime and the United States in approximately 24 Winter break has flown by, and I've spent much of today and yesterday starting, and attempting to finish, packing for the 4 months ahead of me in Europe. I'll spare you the details of my less than exciting winter break at the bank and hanging around town, but let me just say that I am very ready to get out of here and get to Spain! 

I'm going to miss all my friends and family so much, and Rocky of course, but hopefully you all will be able to keep tabs on my European adventures here and on facebook and twitter if it's not too boring....or if I remember to update.

Now that my time is running short, I really need to get back to packing..who knew that fitting 4 months of clothes in one suitcase would be so difficult? Don't even get me started on the shoes...

¡Hasta pronto, Madrid!

1 comment:

  1. How heavy were those shoes you were carrying now, darlin? Hope your back is OK. Miss you already!
